Link Archive

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TI-86 Sites:

Abe's TI-86 Webpage - Abe's page is a very nice, well layed out site. It has large archives (That unfortunately have no screen shots or descriptions), and a section on the old TI-80.

Elcobbola's TI-86 Page - Elcobbola's site is loaded with assembly and basic games, all of which have a mini-review that scrutinizes every aspect of the game, a screen shot, and a rating. It also is home to a few excellent original BASIC RPGs including the Slayer series.

Eric's TI-86 Game Website - Eric's page is neat and well done; every single game in it's archives has a screenshot, rating, and description.

Mikes Ti-86 Homepage - Mike's page is home to a small program archive, a PUD section, and links to programming tutorials.

SHIAR Homepage - All about Shiar and his games Wormy and Nemesis. Also contains over 150 TI83-86 game reviews.

Will's TI-86 Programs - This page is home to a collection of TI-86 programs created by William White.

Other TI Sites: - Formerly Dimension-TI. They just don't update like they used to, but they have resumed their programming challenges! - is the largest TI site on the web, and probably the best. It has the most current news about TI happenings, titanic software archives, official and unofficial calculator updates, as well as information on unofficial hardware addons.

Patrick Davidson's Web Site - Find all of Patrick Davidson's excellent programs here, such as the Phoenix series.

TI Link Zone - This page contains many links to TI related web sites. You may submit a link to your TI related site to them if you link back.

TI-News - The most current and extensive source of TI news; they report news earlier than all other sites I know of.

TI Warehouse - This is a small site that seems to have copied the late site word for word and picture for picture... they have a small archives section and a few 'guides'.

TI World - Great layout but fewer programs in their archives than mine! That's pretty bad ;). They somehow strayed far enough away to include java games on their site... Actually it's a good idea and they are fun to play. If they updated more often they'd be pretty good... They haven't since my link was added on 2/29/00.

Twilight-TI - "Establishing new grounds in the T.I. Community."

Other Links:

Desktop Dollars - MAKE MONEY FOR BEING ONLINE! You don't even have to be surfing! Desktop Dollars displays a banner ad at the top of your screen, and you receive 15% to 70% percent of all the money the advertisers pay for the ads you see depending on the number of people you refer. No catch, and you may cancel at any time! It also helps to support my web sites! :P If prompted, please enter "andrewmatta" as the referer (without the quotes). Thanks for your support!

Cooltext - Most images in the navigation frame and on the front page were generated using Cooltext, a free online graphics generator.

EVRSoft - My site is maintained with EVRSoft's 1st Page 2000, an excellent freeware HTML editor comparable to Allaire Homesite.

The Gimp - Many of the images on the Parasoft Productions page were created using the Gimp, an excellent freeware graphics rendering program.

TravPad - My friend Travis's website, a fun place to visit. It now has a new URL and has been redesigned.

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