Program: "HELLO"
:ClLCD Clear the Screen
:Disp "Hi! I'm a TI-86 calc-","ulator. What's your" Display a string on the screen
:InpSt "name? ",NAME Lets the user type a string and stores it to the variable "NAME"
:Disp "And how old are you?"
:Input "",AGE Lets the user enter a number and stores it to variable "AGE"
:Disp "What are your","favorite numbers?"
:Prompt A,B Lets the user enter two numbers and stores them to variables "A" and "B"
:Disp "Nice to meet you,","" Displays some text followed by an empty line
:Outpt(2,1,NAME+"!" Shows the user's name on row 2, column 1 with a "!" after it
:Disp "Your age is:" Because the Disp command two lines up skipped a line, the text from this Disp command appears on the line AFTER the Outpt( command
:Disp "Your favorite #'s:",A,B Displays some text, followed by the #'s that the user entered